- Advancement in age causes the spinal discs in the human body to degenerate, break down or wear out. This is referred to as Degenerative Disc Disease. The disease occurs within the discs in the neck (cervical region) and lower back (lumbar region), causing loss of vital fluids contained in the discs. When this happens, the discs become thinner, shrinking the spaces between the human vertebrae.
- Disc degeneration begins with small cracks on the outer layer of the disc. With time, this spreads, causing the disc to bulge, indicating the beginning of the ailment. People who smoke, are overweight, or perform intense physical activities like weight lifting are at a higher risk of the ailment.
- The spinal decompression technique is able to ease this ailment through the relaxation and stretching of the spine. When this happens, it slowly eliminates the downward forces of gravity excreted on the spine, therefore, creating a space for vital oxygen and nutrients to flow back into the damaged discs. This kick starts the damaged discs’ healing process.
- The treatment is also FDA approved, which has tagged it as comfortable, risk-free, and with zero side effects. At Ro Sports Chiropractic, we have applied this treatment process several times for damaged discs, and have amazing testimonials of the aftermath from our patients.
- Certified by the FDA, this technique is comfortable and gentle on the body with no risks or side effects.